Supporting Local Growers
When Elizabeth and I travel, one of the activities we really enjoy is visiting local farmers markets.
In fact, because we typically prepare our own meals while travelling, seeking out the farmers markets at our destination is often done well before we leave. This way we are able to get the freshest fruits and vegetables (usually organic), great artisanal bread and cheese, and perhaps most importantly, meet and support some really interesting people.
Recently, we traveled to Prince Edward Island where we spent some time with a young family we had met while living in Quebec. Remi and Stephanie are pursuing their dream of building a bakery business. Remi has just completed building a wood fired oven and I was happy to share with him the inaugural baking of baguettes and pizza.
They are slowing building their customer base and one venue they use is the newly created Stanley Bridge Farmers Market. While shopping there I noticed the poster shown here (apologies for the slightly crooked smart phone shot) that very nicely sums up why we should all support the growers and food artisans selling at local markets.
We, as individuals and households, have tremendous financial power. The choice is ours whether we support the grower or producer who lives down the road, or continue to support the agri-food corporations who don’t know we exist.
David Lyon
Abundance Project co-ordinator